Thank you for your heartfeltcomments.
You hear that all the time, but haveyou ever taken the chance to really examine what it really means?
I think that the comparison to life asa journey also has a lot to do with the things found on the journey.Unforeseen obstacles, UN imaginable fatigue, and unexpected terrain are all synonymouswith journey. But so are friendly villagers and breathtaking views.
I like to think of myself as ajourneyman or woman. One who is accustom to traveling. This just means,that I've had enough experiences that I know what to expect in many cases andhow to navigate most scenarios. Of course that accounts for places thatI've been before. I feel more comfortable traveling to New York for instance than I wouldChina.
Life is a little bit harder, becauselife is in fact a personal journey into the unknown. I like to say it'slike running in the dark.
There are no travel guides any friendswho've gone before. It's your journey and you are beating the path.
One of the biggest mistakes that we canmake while on our journey is looking around and comparing ourselves amongstourselves. To me this is by far the worse thing that we can do toourselves. I don't care how tempting it is to stray, you have to stay onyour own path and keep your eyes on your own star.
This has never been more important thannow that the world is literally at our doors. Not only does the Internetallow you to look into other people's lives and possibly compare it to yours,but for them to look at your life as well and Judge it. The fear of beingjudged is debilitating, and paralyzing. It stops books from being written,speeches from being given and dresses from being worn.
What we have to know is that we areperfect just as we are and well equipped to make the journey. Damn whateveryone else is thinking about you, your size or your talents. None of itmatters. All that matters is that you keep moving. All that mattersis that you trust God and allow your path to unfold in front of you.
I often tell people that I haveeverything that I need when I need it. For example, I went to the bookstoretoday to look for books on becoming a Vegetarian. I couldn't find what Ineeded so I went to pick up my mail and go home. In my mail was a previewcopy of "Betty Goes Vegan" by Annie and Dan Shannon. Just like that,I needed something and the universe provided it. My life has always beenlike this.
In life we will face all types ofobstacles. There will be illnesses to overcome, grief to reconcile, heartbreakto let go of and forgiveness to both give and receive.
One last thing. Our body, ourconstant companion, is there to allow us to enjoy the journey. Our fivesenses, not our dress size is how we interact with nature and is ALL we need.
You are going to do great things fromnow on. You will because after this moment, you will remember that this is yourlife and you already have everything you need to make it wonderful.
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