17 Haziran 2012 Pazar

It's Time for a Woman Moderator: Equality in the 2012 Presidential Debates!

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Hi!We're Emma Axelrod, Sammi Siegel and Elena Tsemberis -- we're all sophomores atMontclair High School in New Jersey. We've learned a lot about women inpolitics in our history class, butwe were shocked to find out that it's been 20 years since the last time a womanmoderated a presidential debate.

Thepast 20 years have been amazing for women in politics. Madeleine Albright andCondoleezza Rice served as Secretary of State, Nancy Pelosi became Speaker ofthe House, and Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin were major players in the 2008presidential campaign.

PresidentObama and Mitt Romney know they have to listen to women, because women votemore than men do -- so whycan't women be the ones asking questions at presidential debates?

Insteadof just being angry, we decided to do something -- that's why we started a petition onChange.org asking the Commission on Presidential Debates, which selectsmoderators, to choose a woman to moderate a presidential debate in 2012.

Will you click here to add your name?

It'snot just unfair that the Commission on Presidential Debates only picks men. It also sends young women like us adangerous message -- that there's only so high we can rise, only so much we canachieve before it's time for us to step aside and let the men do the real work.Well, we don't think that's true, and we think it's about time to send a newmessage: that women can and should achieve all our dreams.

Thereare so many amazing female journalists -- Diane Sawyer, Gwen Ifill, KatieCouric, Christiane Amanpour -- any of them would make great moderators. We knowthat if thousands of people sign our petition, members of the Commission onPresidential Debates will be ashamed that they are so behind the times, andthey will do the right thing.

Click here to sign our petitionasking the Commission on Presidential Debates to select a woman to moderate adebate in 2012 -- for the first time in 20 years.


EmmaAxelrod, Sammi Siegel and Elena Tsemberis

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