As usual when something negative is said about Africa I'm offended and I was thoroughly offended when I was minding my own business and Future's remix featuring Lil Wayne, Turn Out The Lights, came on the radio and he had to say something negative about Africa as if non-blacks don't do enough of that. This is what he said in his rap, "So we eat each other up, like some Somalians." By making that statement he is insinuating that Somalians eat each other, I guess he is referring to that occurring during the war they experienced.
I don’t know this to be true and anyone including Lil Wayne when faced with right set of circumstances can do anything including eat another human being, so if they actually did that no one including Lil Wayne should point fingers.
However, Lil Wayne has a lot of nerve to say that because he is an African American and anything negative he says about black people including Africans is a reflection of the negativity he feels about himself because all black people are originally from Africa and we are all one, so he shouldn’t have anything negative to say about his own people.
Self-hatred isn’t a good look Lil Wayne. At least the Somalians he is even talking about, if they did that did it out of necessity. What about psychopathic Americans that abduct, kill and eat people for no reason especially when there plenty of food to be spared in the US? Those are the people he should rap about...
I don't even know why am I letting Lil Wayne's drug inspired words affect my good mood when I know the brother is not in his right mind... I pray that one day God will visit him and he will come to his senses. Amen!
Earth to Little Wayne, say no to drugs bro, say no to drugs. No good can come of it...
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