George Zimmerman's defense team has been granted access to school records of his victim, Trayvon Martin. They will use the school records to try to justify the reasoning behind Zimmerman's actions the night he committed murder.
But does this mean that if Trayvon was a bad student he deserved to be shot in cold blood by a total stranger? Zimmerman wanted all of his damaging records sealed (molested a younger cousin; beat up a former girlfriend) but wants to have all of Trayvon's put on blast (alleged troubles in school and use of marijuana).
A Florida judge has ruled that Trayvon Martin’s school and social media records can be handed over to the defense team of his alleged killer, George Zimmerman, despite the efforts of the slain 17-year-old’s family to keep the information private.
The decision, made Friday afternoon by Circuit Judge Debra Nelson, could prompt the Miami-area schools Martin attended to provide documents that may include his grades, attendance and any disciplinary action.
But Nelson also ruled that Zimmerman’s medical records must be given to prosecutors, though she stipulated that she must first review the material to determine if anything should be removed.
The decisions came just hours after Martin’s father made a plea to the court not to disclose his son’s records.
“I think it’s wrong that we attack the victim,” said Tracy Martin. “Our first priority shouldn’t be to assassinate the character of the victims and make dead children seem as though they’re the perpetrator.

We are all innocent until proven guilty but at the same time every victim and their family have the right to see justice served.
Will the Martin family have to settle for knowing who killed their child but give up on the chance of any justice being served because their child didn't have a perfect track record in school? Another thing, in this day in age popular social networks like Twitter and Facebook can be helpful or hurtful in situations. Only time will tell what effect it has on "Justice For Trayvon?"
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