Go to www.facebook.com/MillstoneTheNovel, Like the page, and invite your friends to follow suit. Then on 11/26/12, starting at noon, go to the Facebook page to support the book and to participate! Share stories, and tell the victims who are there that you support them. Together, we can make this event successful. Together, we can bring sexual abuse to an end!
* * * * * WheelMan Press http://www.millstonebook.com/ wishes to thank you for visiting this website. We, as a publisher, believe everyone has the right to be heard. With Millstone, we knew we had to help spread the word about institutionalized abuse, and to help to get the word out into the mainstream media where it can no longer be ignored or swept under the rug, so that we can finally bring this, and every other form of abuse, to an end.
We truly hope you will support Millstone and help us raise awareness about this institutionalized form of crime, and to let all of the victims of these horrendous acts know that they are not alone.
* * * * *
In today's world, organizations have deep pockets to cover up any accusations of abuse leveled at them. They control the media, and can manipulate and intimidate the victims, making them afraid to speak out. The only way to beat them at their own game is to take control of the media and say “ "hey this is happening!" Millstone speaks out against priest abuse and the cover ups by the powerful Catholic Church. But other organization will have to take notice as well. We don't care what uniform you wear abuse is abuse, and it must stop now!
On November 26, 2012, we are all coming together to support Millstone to make it a bestseller. If Millstone makes the bestseller lists, it will show these organizations that the people are united in their desire to support the victims to bring these criminal acts to an end. They cannot control the bestseller lists, and getting Millstone onto those lists will elevate the prominence of this issue to a level that cannot be silenced, that cannot be denied.
So, on November 26, 2012, please go to our Facebook page or https://www.facebook.com/MillstoneTheNovel at 12:00 noon US Eastern Standard Time, and buy a copy of the book for you, your friends, and your family. A part of the proceeds will go to support the victims.
Purchase Millstone in print form at http://wlmpr.us/MILLSTp or in ebook form at http://wlmpr.us/MILLSTk
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