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Tell Congress: Any fiscal deal must include finally ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%.
Members of Congress:
Any deal struck to prevent automatic across the board tax increases and sequestration cuts must allow the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans to expire.
On November 6, Americans voted in large part on the very question of tax fairness and finally asking the top earners to contribute their fair share. The budgetary needs of the nation, the core American value of fairness and the voters themselves all demand ending the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
Dear Susan,
The fiscal showdown is under way.
Congress and the White House are already negotiating a deal to head off the automatic “sequestration” that will occur as a result of last year’s Tea Party debt ceiling debacle. Thanks to major wins at the ballot for the presidency and the Senate, progressives are in a strong position to get a deal that reflects Americans’ core values.
That means protecting the social safety net and the vital programs Americans depend on -- and central to that is requiring the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share by letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the richest 2%.
Tell Congress: Any fiscal deal must include finally ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%.
President Obama campaigned on this issue explicitly, and won a mandate from voters to restore some much-needed economic fairness, to bring in more revenue both to address the deficit and pay for the programs that will drive economic growth -- the same programs on which low-income and middle class Americans depend.
PFAW feels strongly that any deal must:
- Create jobs.
- Stop devastating budget cuts.
- Protect low-income social services.
- Save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
- Require the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.
That last one is crucial to all the rest, and Americans gave President Obama and Congress a clear mandate on that issue. So far, the president and some congressional leaders have staked out a strong position, saying any deal must include ending the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2%. They need our support to hold fast to that position and Republicans need to be told to do what’s right for the country.
Tell Congress: Strike a deal that ends the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%.
The way to give our economy the boost it needs is not to enact austerity measures. The devastating cuts being proposed by Republicans would set off an “austerity bomb” that would send our economy into a real crisis. Cuts to services and the social safety net should not even be on the table. We can bring in more revenue with fairer taxation AND grow the economy, which itself would bring in more revenue. Both of these help shrink the deficit in the long run without potentially sending us into another recession.
It’s simple arithmetic, not rocket science.
Sign our petition to Congress now demanding that they strike a deal that ends the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans and save our economic recovery.
It’s time to make sure the election meant something, and that the values Americans voted to uphold are represented in the extremely important fiscal deal that will be the centerpiece of this lame duck session.
After you take action, please spread the word.
Thank you for adding your voice to this critical fight.
Michael Keegan, President
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